Thursday, December 21, 2006

Gato No Tsukai (Silent Library) : The Funniest Videos You Should See Before 2007

Boo - not many comments about the tunes! I have to hold true to my word: no comments, no list.

Instead, I'll only do one. Well, its like 10, but really, its all one idea.

So, instead of a #1-23 like I had planned, I will give you the following videos, all under the rank, #1.

#1. Silent Library, or Gato No Tsukai

This isn't new to people overseas most likely, but I can tell you that this hasn't ever caught on in America. My God, if I can accomplish one thing with this page, I hope it is spread the popularity of this entirely genius and altogether hysterical game.

"Silent Library", or Gato No Tsukai, as it is known in Japan, is a simple little game. The following are some of the episodes that you can find (if you search hard) on YouTube. How nice of me to collect them all right here!


Silent Library

Silent Library – 2001

Silent Library – 2002

If the 200,000 + hits on the original video on YouTube wasn't enough of a clue, the following videos are evidence that we aren't the first Americans to have the privilege of seeing this stuff. However, I feel that the number is tragically low. More people watch an average NHL game than that - and thats just wrong. Do what's right for humanity, and spread the word!!!

Who is interested in starting our own local chapter??

Silent Library - Reno

Silent Library - Dorm

Silent Library - Birthday

Silent Library - Arizona

Silent Library – Kids Version

A Bonus Extra Video - with a Silent Library Star.

And so, that is it. I hope you enjoyed these. Have an absolutely spectacular Christmas. May your yule log burn brightly.

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