Friday, December 15, 2006

Fighting back after a bad beat

So I was all about to get started putting together some random things for the weekend, when I ended up getting a call telling me some very sad news. To my friend and his family, my thoughts are with you - I pray that this will lead to a truly inspirational story of triumph and recovery.

I had also planned on posting a couple of very funny videos I found on the Internet, including some a new invention that I think should hit the market sometime very soon. I then noticed that they all had a common theme in them, though, that in light of the incident that happened I really don't feel comfortable posting about this stuff yet.

The only thing I had planned on posting that I think I will is this link:

Why? Not because I like Jack Daniel's.

As all alcoholic beverage advertisement and information pieces have, this particular page also notes that those that imbibe should "always drink responsibly."

Drink Jack Daniel's responsibly?

Has anyone, EVER, in the history of alcohol, drunk Jack Daniel's responsibly? Is that even possible? Is there a tracable amount of JD that someone could consciously digest that would leave them in a state that they could effectively navigate a go-kart, much less a vehicle?

I have an idea to help solve this issue, but I'm going to hold off on it for now. All I'll say is...

It's isn't that drinking and driving can be tragic. It is always tragic.

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