Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mid-Term Mayhem Baby

As the dust has settled this evening, there's a significantly simple thing that can be taken from the way things went.

The Democratic party will have their chance to make reforms. There's a significant amount of changes that need to be made.

Before I get into what I think needs to be done in Illinois and in the US, let me make two points:

1) Blagojevich stands for a lot of good things. To be honest, so far he hasnt been that successful at doing what he says he will do. Schools, pension, and our state's position on guns and minimum wage need to improve! Quick.

2) Kudos to Roskam, Kirk, Lahood, and Shimkus, and whoever else was GOP and won their races in Illinois. It was almost a clean sweep, and I would think that this means that the repubilcans that did happen to win must be good candidates - fit to do a great job. (and yes, I know, it reflects that there are a few conservative districts. but if you saw how horribly bad the dems won everything today, I'd say any republican that won anything in illinois as a pretty good candidate.)

Anyway, theres lots of stuff that needs fixing. We will see how well it goes now that we have some changes in govt. Lets see....

1) Troops need to come home.

2) Federal minimum wage needs to be increased, as many states have already acted on this already.

3) Health care systems must find a way to lower the costs of perscription drugs.

4) Our schools spend too much money to not be a world leader in educating kids. We need smaller classes, a more comprehensive school day, increased emphasis on math and foreign languages.

5) Social security must either be protected, or be reinvested in a form that will benefit the most people that will be retired 20-40 years from now.

6) Foriegn policy as a whole must be re-thought to actually benefit human interest, instead of simply American economic interest.

7) Corporate accounting practices must be reformed.

8) Our college educations need to mean more.

For a funnier take on this whole thing, watch last night's Colbert Report on Comedy Central. That guy is hilariously biting, on both sides. Genius.

Anyway, have a good evening. Until the next election, remember to voice your opinion, remember to put others first, and above all, try the best ya can to help the nation and your neighborhood improve. No matter what side you are on, keep your heart in the right place.

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