Sunday, September 03, 2006
The greatest .19 ever, Robin Yount
My apologies beforehand to Bill Simmons, because he just got done writing about a trip to Wisconsin and that included a Brewer game:
So I want to share this experience with everyone who hasnt seen it for themselves firsthand. A Milwaukee Brewer game is possibly the absolute holy land of tailgating. Where else on earth can you find 20000 people tailgating hours and hours before A BASEBALL GAME. Granted, Ive sort od tailgated before some other events, Sox, Cubs...minimally --- and usually I was one of like a couple hundred peoples in that regard. These people tailgate like its a Michigan Football game before a BREWERS GAME. Its just beautiful.
After walking through rows and rows of tailgates, we eventually got to our "standing room" seats that were sweet ass -- behind the left field fair pole - and we also got our Robin Yount bobble heads. For those of you who dont know who Robin Yount is, he is like part baseball hero, part chuck norris. He's southern pride meets Cal Ripken. In other words, he is a perfect folk hero - the best part is, the early 80s brewers were good, but not good enough to the point of being legendary - so he always gets passed over as great players of his era - despite being a hall of famer.
Anyway, we (JP Stevo JB) made the journey up to this mecca
I got the rookie jersey bobble head - there were 3 kinds. I was dying to get the powder blue one, and they were the "limted edition" ones- and it became apparent that 44000 people came to a meaningless Brewers game because of the bobbleheads. So, I enjoyed the rest of the game from my seats, chatting with a cute little 1 year old toddler in front of me, either playing hide and seek with him, or batting around a giant inflatable baseball for innings ata time. Thats another great thing I noticed - the ushers dont run to steal the bouncing balls like they do at cubs sox games. These guys encouraged it. Our section actually played with the ball for 3 innings, until we lost it over the edge into the lower deck -- at which point a lone soldier went into their section and reclaimed the ball and brought it back up. How sweet is that.
Oh - and then there was the drunk frat guy behind us who was pretty cool - and pretty drunk - and the big girl next to me. I dont have it in me to ruin someone's meaningless good time by yelling at someone for putting their hands all over me during the course of a sporting event. but let me just say this -- its once again proven: big girls love me. They absolutely cannot get enough of me.
Another favorite thing to do this week is to find another funny way my elbow makes me look like an alien. IF you roll your arms inward, like pointg your elbows away from your body, then straighten your arms, thats probably where it looks the funniest. The arm literally not only cant get straight, it can barely get past 45 degrees.
BACK to the Brewers thing -- this is another thing I love about these games: NO ONE hates the brewers. Its just not possible. No one does! Find someone who HATES the brewers, and Ill give you 50 bucks cash. I saw cubs, brewers, sox, yankees, red sox, marlins, braves, and astros fans at this game. If you asked any of them, they would all say "yeaah, i kinda like the brewers!" Really, i think it could be a unifying force nationally - now all we need to do is convert this energy into full fledged fandom. FACT: They have drawn over 2 MILLION in fans this year at that park already, which is INSANE for a team under 500 and not very good. THATS CUBS FANS insane. I think its taking on a whole new meaning to "wrigley north", no?
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